Government Relations

SMRP is a leading advocate for the development of a skilled workforce and for safe, modern workplaces in the maintenance, reliability and physical asset management industry.

SMRP is the voice of the maintenance, reliability, and physical asset management profession at the congressional and federal regulatory level. As a result, SMRP engages in regular outreach and relationship building with key policymakers on Capitol Hill and in the regulatory agencies to discuss our public policy priorities.

Nearly every industry sector requires the services of maintenance, reliability, and physical asset management personnel, including energy, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, automotive, government and military, petrochemical, education, and commercial.

SMRP and our members are subject matter experts willing to testify at congressional and regulatory hearings. When needed, we submit comments in response to proposed regulations, standards, and guidelines. SMRP works with congressional offices and congressional committees to draft and advance legislation.

SMRP’s Key Priorities:

Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure

SMRP believes in a sound cyber-defense strategy and supports a strong understanding of threats posed through cyberphysical and cyberinformation systems.

Workplace Safety

SMRP supports government efforts to protect the health and safety of workers and continues to be a resource on workplace safety in the maintenance, reliability and physical asset management profession.

Smart Grid

SMRP members involved in all aspects of the Smart Grid work to identify the program's impact on the reliability of the infrastructure, generation and commercial/industrial end user.

Workforce Development

SMRP promotes strategies for the development of a skilled workforce and supports legislation that advances a well-rounded maintenance, reliability and physical asset management network.